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Our motto? Safety first. Protecting our patients and visitors is our top priority. That’s why public safety officers at Tufts Medical Center patrol the hospital 24 hours a day. Here’s how we handle public safety and security.
Navigating a hospital when you don’t feel well or when you are anxious to find a family member can be stressful. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask any employee — you can spot us by our badges.
At Tufts Medical Center, we make every effort to ensure a smooth transition home or to another facility.
One of the most confusing and stressful parts a hospital stay is the registration and admitting process. That’s why we at Tufts Medical Center have provided the below information on this process - so you can feel more comfortable knowing what to expect and why this process is important.
We understand that your hospital stay can be stressful, and we encourage you to bring a few personal items that will make your experience at Tufts Medical Center more comfortable.
Tufts Medical Center is located in the heart of Boston’s Chinatown – a culturally, historically and linguistically vibrant community. As an internationally respected teaching hospital, we pride ourselves on the high-quality, compassionate and patient-centered care we provide.
We care about our patients and are committed to their recovery and wellness. We offer our patients medications and options for various services to keep them from going into withdrawal while they are hospitalized with us and after discharge. 
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