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Young Bae Kim, MD Research Laboratory


The research of Young Bae Kim, MD, Chief of the Gynecologic Oncology the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at Tufts Medical Center is dedicated to serving women with gynecologic malignancy, including ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer. We offer the full range of state-of-the-art treatment options, including radical surgery and chemotherapy.

We have an active minimally invasive surgery program, offering both laparoscopic and robotic surgery for gynecologic cancer. We have the ability to perform extensive tumor debulking or cytoreductive surgery for women with advanced ovarian cancer. We offer a number of fertility-sparing treatment options for women with cancer who desire future childbearing. We offer the full range of treatment options in chemotherapy, including intraperitoneal chemotherapy and biologic and targeted therapies. We also offer specialized forms of radiation therapy, including both intracavitary and interstitial radiation. All of these treatments are offered with the goal of treating the malignancy while at the same time taking into consideration the individual needs and desires of the patient. We work with a multidisciplinary team of other health care professionals, including radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, geneticists, nurse practitioners, and social workers to assure that all of a patient’s needs are met.

The Division has an active clinical trials program whereby we can offer the latest potential therapeutics. We are an affiliate member of the NRG, a national cooperative clinical trials organization that is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. Membership in NRG assures that our patients have access to the latest and most effective treatments for their disease.

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