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Press Releases
June 2, 2020
Tufts Medical Center has named an interim Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. John Wong.
Patient Stories
March 9, 2020
When Justin Williams, 28, walked into his local emergency room in October of 2018, he was shocked to learn that the pain he was experiencing was not from the minor car accident he was in the day before. The physicians suspected cancer.
Patient Stories
March 1, 2020
When Beth Korth learned she was pregnant with her first child in the summer of 2020, she and her husband Alex were excited, but also nervous. Not only would they need to navigate the pandemic throughout the pregnancy, but the couple shared a bone growth disorder called achondroplasia, more commonly known as dwarfism, that would make delivery more challenging.
Patient Stories
February 1, 2020
Wendy Canty suffered a heart attack in 2018 at age 50. And soon knew she needed to find a new option and turned to Tufts Medical Center's heart research team to learn more about implantable heart pumps.
Patient Stories
January 30, 2020
Mac and his team at Tufts MC refused to let cardiomyopathy take his life, so they did all they could to get him to a heart transplant.
Press Releases
January 7, 2020
Boston magazine has honored 149 Tufts Medical Center physicians as 2020 Boston “Top Doctors.”
Patient Stories
November 30, 2019
Katherine used to spend most of her day outside, but with a cancer diagnosis she wasn't able to do her everyday tasks. With the help of the Division of Palliative Care, Katherine is back outside with her grandchildren.
Patient Stories
November 7, 2019
How this tough 3-year-old has impressed everyone with his strength and determination to beat cancer at Tufts Medical Center.
Press Releases
October 10, 2019
International Expert in Antimicrobial Resistance Helen W. Boucher, MD, Named Chief of the Division of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Tufts Medical Center
Patient Stories
September 20, 2019
At one month old, Michael was rushed to Tufts Medical Center's PICU for answers. Read more about "Baby Mike" and his journey at Tufts Medical Center, as he battled a scary illness while touching the lives of patients and staff with his sunny disposition.
Press Releases
August 12, 2019
Tufts Medical Center announced today that Rachel J. Buchsbaum, MD, has been named Director of the Cancer Center, effective August 12, 2019. Dr. Buchsbaum, a nationally-recognized physician, researcher, educator and leader in breast cancer therapy, risk assessment and prevention, will steer the cancer programs at Tufts MC.
Patient Stories
August 8, 2019
Nearly 1 year after being attacked by a great white shark, Dr. Lytton returned to Tufts Medical Center to share this story.
Patient Stories
August 3, 2019
Tom Doyle has mastered the art of turning the negative to positive. After a pituitary tumor diagnosis, he found the best team possible - Dr. Lechan and the Neuroendocrine Program team at Tufts MC.

Patient Stories
July 20, 2019
Petra was referred to Tufts MC by her local PCP after they discovered a mass on her kidney. The Tufts MC team was able to get her back on her toes.
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